Our Company / Perusahaan Kami
Outward Bound® Indonesia helps develop Organizations to achieve global standards through comprehensive and integrated Human Capital solutions. Our goal is to empower People and Organizations to reach their peak Performance. We present Outward Bound world-class methodologies and deliver them with an approach to match the organization’s culture.

History of Outward Bound Indonesia Sejarah Outward Bound Indonesia
Outward Bound philosophy was first introduced in the country by Outward Bound Indonesia co-Founders Djoko Kusumowidagdo Recipient of 2013 Portland State University’s Distinguished MBA Alumnus Award and Elly Tjahja in 1990. They had a vision to build the Nation by helping alleviate the multi-dimensional problems that Indonesia was facing at the time. Djoko and Elly believed that the solution to these challenges lies in the quality and character of the People.
The founding of Outward Bound in Indonesia pioneered an avenue for education and leadership training that focuses in the soft skills through outdoor learning. For over thirty years we have inspired people to become of self-empowerment, self-worth with compassion for the communities around them.
Outward Bound Indonesia is the pioneer of outdoor learning in Indonesia and member of Outward Bound International.
History of Outward Bound International Sejarah Outward Bound International
Outward Bound is the first and most respected adventure-based Organization for people development in the world. Its origin took place during the second World War in 1941 in the UK by Dr. Kurt Hahn. It began as a training program to develop the physical and mental attitude of young British sailors needed in order to survive in the wilderness of sea.
Outward Bound seeks to awake an awareness in people of their inner strengths and potential, so they can achieve the best that they can, and to assist others to do the same. Currently Outward Bound operates world-wide in 33 countries in Europe, Asia Pacific, America and Africa.